Aurora's Technological & Research Institute

Uppal, Parvathapur, RR Dist.Counseling Code: AURP
electronics and communication engineering

Department of ECE

The department of ECE was started in 1999 with an intake of 60. Presently with 240 intake for B.Tech course, the department is successfully running two M.Tech courses, one in Embedded Systems and the other in VLSI System Design specializations. The department has a team of well experienced, dynamic and highly qualified faculty. In order to disseminate knowledge, the department has been organizing a good number of short term courses and conferences from time to time. To provide practical training to the students, the department has set up many laboratories in various areas of Electronics and Communication Engineering with state – of-the- art equipment and latest versions of software.

The department consists of Communications Lab, Simulation Lab, IC and PDC Lab, E-CAD& VLSI Lab (VHDL, VERILOG), Electronic Devices and Circuits Lab and Microprocessor Lab. The licensed Software are Multi SIM, TINA-PRO,XILINX, MATLAB, MATLAB TOOLS, DSP Software, TANNER TOOLS. As per JNTU R09 regulations the VLSI Lab is upgraded with licensed version cadence tools. An MoU is signed with Technophilia Systems India (Pvt) Ltd., on behalf of Carnegie Mellon University to establish “Centre for Robotics and Embedded Systems Excellence”

Research work in areas like VLSI, Embedded Systems, Image Processing, Wireless Communications has been taken up. The department has professional bodies like IEEE, IETE and ISTE where regular activities are being conducted. The ATRI IETE Student Forum (ISF) is highly recognized by IETE Hyderabad section for the activities that are being carried out.


The Electronics and Communication engineering has grown from the vacuum tubes to the complexity of integrated circuits and optoelectronics. Basic telecommunications have developed into global networks with satellites, fiber optics and the Internet. Computer technology has grown exponentially with processors embedded and carries us into the future with new and exciting engineering challenges. Engineers need to be trained to meet the future engineering challenges.


  • To provide knowledge based technological services to satisfy the needs of society and the industry.
  • To pursue research and disseminate research findings.
  • To acquire good soft skills and become a successful entrepreneur
  • To help in building national capabilities in technology, education and research

The Program Educational Objectives of the program offered by the department are as follows.

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